Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Blackjack in an Open Rules and Game Features

The rules of blackjack in the open are the same as the rules of classic blackjack, however, there are a number of features that we would like to draw the attention of all the players.

The game starts with the dealer to shuffle the cards (6 decks of 52 cards) and begins their hand. All cards are dealt face up to all: and the dealer and the player (or players). This is the main difference between playing blackjack in the open. The player sees both the first card the dealer, and not one card, as in regular blackjack.

Under the rules of the game of Blackjack you cannot open to insure, or refuse to play (surrender for half-time-Surrender) regardless of the dealer's open card.

The second important difference playing blackjack in an open-this is a feature for a combination of Blackjack.

According to the rules of almost any Blackjack Games, as in a real casino, and if you play blackjack online, Blackjack is possible only from the combination of two cards. Amount of point 21 3 or more cards is not a Blackjack.

If the first distribution the player has Blackjack combination, i.e. an ACE with a 10 and the dealer has this combination of a third or subsequent card, wins the natural combination of the 2-card hand.

The combination of Blackjack winnings are paid at a rate of 1 to 1 (instead of 3 to 2, as in regular blackjack)

If you have the combination of Blackjack (Ace and Ten/Jack/Queen/King) both the player and the dealer’s, the player loses all of their bets.

In addition, the player loses them and in case of equal number of set of the eyes with the dealer. Under the rules of the game of Blackjack Open draw.

Scoring: an ACE can be either 1 or 11 points, it depends on the amount withdrawn, together with the second card and other cards-if one point, then it is a "soft hand" when 11 points, then this is a "hard hand"; starting from dozens and ending with the King of all cards are equal to ten points; the cards from 2 to 9 are considered in par.

The task of each Member playing blackjack in the open type the maximum amount of the eyes, but not more than 21. The amount of 22 or more points is considered a brute-force attack and a loss for the hit.

Another feature of the open of Blackjack is that if after the distribution of the player's first two cards and the dealer is equal to the sum of the eyes (including the same combination of Blackjack), then the player loses.

Otherwise, the card player selection begins, and then the dealer.

The dealer must strengthen the card amount until the eyes he becomes 17 or more when "firm hand". The player can stop at any time.

When you play Blackjack at the open, it makes sense to apply the basic strategy of the game. She like in Classic Blackjack, gives good results.
Playing blackjack in the open, you can double the bet (Double) and 2 cards of the same denomination (split). These steps are the same as the normal Blackjack. I would like to note that according to the rules, after the Split ACEs, who came to him tens of won't produce a combination of Blackjack. This is a simple sum of 21 points.

Some casinos have different rules, where each player is allowed to double after Triple bet and buy another card.


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