Wednesday 20 November 2013

Casino Macau S.A.R.

Macau S.A.R. peninsula for some time now should be considered another world Gaming Center. Let history and the number of establishments in the Casino this part of China and gives way to Las Vegas, but income brings in twice more. Now the Macau S.A.R. is considered the fastest growing gaming entertainment center.

So what are the casinos in Macau S.A.R. should be considered the best?

Certainly this list must necessarily be the largest casino in the world (even with the Las Vegas Casino) called Venetian Casino Resort. The main motto of this complex is extravagance. The opening ceremony was invited by the famous circus Cirque do Soleil. Among the first visitors to the Casino were players soccer team Manchester United.

Within the complex is the largest in the region. But besides the Venetian Casino Resort and hotel is rich with thousands of hotel rooms, as well as various channels with gondolas. No wonder that he wears in his word-a truly Venetian Venice to Macau S.A.R.. Much here is really similar to the Venice Casino, the creators of this much bother to convey the atmosphere and mood of the city. Just not the Italians, and gondolas Chinese control. The spacious gaming halls, wide game variety and constant renewal of all of the Venetian Casino Resort.

It is necessary to visit the Macau S.A.R. also an institution that bears the name of The Sands Macao. It is the first on the peninsula of Macau S.A.R. Casino, an American-style. Live music, free buffet and drinks-in General, all in famous Las Vegas. This place is considered to be one of the largest casinos in the world. Excellent service, high standards, great facilities and a wide range of minimum rates in The Sands Macao Casino, a huge number of visitors.

The only cons is not especially making decent main hall of the Casino. It looks more like a hangar for airplanes. In addition, The Sands Macau is located near sea port berths Macau S.A.R., so the weekend here better not even try to visit, because the Casino is crowded especially sailors who rest it is very noisy.

Blackjack in an Open Rules and Game Features

The rules of blackjack in the open are the same as the rules of classic blackjack, however, there are a number of features that we would like to draw the attention of all the players.

The game starts with the dealer to shuffle the cards (6 decks of 52 cards) and begins their hand. All cards are dealt face up to all: and the dealer and the player (or players). This is the main difference between playing blackjack in the open. The player sees both the first card the dealer, and not one card, as in regular blackjack.

Under the rules of the game of Blackjack you cannot open to insure, or refuse to play (surrender for half-time-Surrender) regardless of the dealer's open card.

The second important difference playing blackjack in an open-this is a feature for a combination of Blackjack.

According to the rules of almost any Blackjack Games, as in a real casino, and if you play blackjack online, Blackjack is possible only from the combination of two cards. Amount of point 21 3 or more cards is not a Blackjack.

If the first distribution the player has Blackjack combination, i.e. an ACE with a 10 and the dealer has this combination of a third or subsequent card, wins the natural combination of the 2-card hand.

The combination of Blackjack winnings are paid at a rate of 1 to 1 (instead of 3 to 2, as in regular blackjack)

If you have the combination of Blackjack (Ace and Ten/Jack/Queen/King) both the player and the dealer’s, the player loses all of their bets.

In addition, the player loses them and in case of equal number of set of the eyes with the dealer. Under the rules of the game of Blackjack Open draw.

Scoring: an ACE can be either 1 or 11 points, it depends on the amount withdrawn, together with the second card and other cards-if one point, then it is a "soft hand" when 11 points, then this is a "hard hand"; starting from dozens and ending with the King of all cards are equal to ten points; the cards from 2 to 9 are considered in par.

The task of each Member playing blackjack in the open type the maximum amount of the eyes, but not more than 21. The amount of 22 or more points is considered a brute-force attack and a loss for the hit.

Another feature of the open of Blackjack is that if after the distribution of the player's first two cards and the dealer is equal to the sum of the eyes (including the same combination of Blackjack), then the player loses.

Otherwise, the card player selection begins, and then the dealer.

The dealer must strengthen the card amount until the eyes he becomes 17 or more when "firm hand". The player can stop at any time.

When you play Blackjack at the open, it makes sense to apply the basic strategy of the game. She like in Classic Blackjack, gives good results.
Playing blackjack in the open, you can double the bet (Double) and 2 cards of the same denomination (split). These steps are the same as the normal Blackjack. I would like to note that according to the rules, after the Split ACEs, who came to him tens of won't produce a combination of Blackjack. This is a simple sum of 21 points.

Some casinos have different rules, where each player is allowed to double after Triple bet and buy another card.

Tuesday 19 November 2013

The history of Poker

In our world there are an infinite number of games that are definitely becoming popular among us. One of them is poker. At the present time, this game has become well known. Poker rooms flooded the Internet, broadcast on television are of a continuing nature, systematically Championship and tournaments around the world. And what is the reason for such popularity of Poker?

Let's dive into the history of the game of Poker.

There are different versions of Poker. One occurrence of the game dates back to 400-500 years ago, on the other-in the beginning of 19 century. For example, in 1526, in Italy and Spain for the first time mentioned a game called "primero", which is very similar to Poker. In France, the game was called "brelan, possibly originating from the English word" Brag "that is boasting. Card games in Europe at that time included elements of bluff.

For the first time the name "poker" was mentioned by English actor Joseph Kromvellom, described the game, known in New Orleans still 1829. Jonathan Green in his book (1843) describes the rules of the game called "the game of deception. The game was popular for river vessels of the Mississippi River. It is believed that it was the first time Green has called the "game of deception poker.

At an early stage of development of the poker game was with a different number of cards. For example, in the Persian game ÂS NAS is the source of all 25 cards. Further Poker spread and in America, where the number of cards increased to 52.

Of course, Poker has changed many times. In about 1925 year, pull the community card-additional cards that were used by all competitors, gave up on the table in the "open". There were various versions of the games, such as no limit Texas Hold'em, Limit Texas Holdem, Omaha, Omaha Hi-Lo, and many other types of Poker, having a huge success around the world.

In our advanced age of high technology Poker successfully took its place among the intellectual games. A huge role in popularizing the game undoubtedly is the development of the Internet. It provides the opportunity to participate in various tournaments, without leaving your home!

Poker Golden Rules of Gentlemen

Of course, the game of Poker is quite entertaining and interesting. But the beauty of this game is the speed and maneuverability of the gameplay. Responsibility for the good organization of the game largely lies with the institution and especially at the dealer. But much depends on the players themselves, as they are close and understandable ethical poker.

Sometimes even online poker requires no mechanical player participation, and a certain style of behavior in virtual mode. What to speak of poker rooms and casinos. Therefore it is very important to understand how that can wait for the rest of the players and what they can expect. There are a number of specific ethical rules of the poker game, in which you can insure themselves against removal from the table, loss of reputation snapper.

1. Main-sequence

A standard game of Poker requires a strict sequence, all the acts occur in a clockwise direction. The player not only out of turn will make a point of disruption in gameplay, but also incorrectly increase the winning points by one player at the expense of others. For example, the discarded cards ahead of time, sitting in front of you partner bluff that is not honest vis sitting after you players who already have decided not to bid. A similar advantage (position) you will submit to one player over another in the case of conspicuous PASA.

Keep an eye on the game, with vigilance and equanimity!

2. No need to pull the time

Playing poker and striving to win, you have to fold and patiently watch the game partners. Naturally your desire will soon finish the hand and proceed to the next. However during your game, the rivals will think the same way. Naturally, pausing, taking an important decision not only possible but also necessary. In this case it would be appropriate to say "wait a minute, please!", but to act as quickly as possible.

3. Do not throw chips into the pot

Have you noticed how online poker chips moves? Did you know that in English the word splashing the pot (in Russian "plunk")? In the poker environment is a dirty phrase. Throwing in a bunch of other tweaks, you let the players and the dealer determine the correctness of the amount bet. The dealer often interrupts the game to count all the chips, because it is responsible for the Bank. That's right: put your bet on the table before him. After validation of your bet, the dealer will move the chips to the Bank yourself. Rule # 4. The bet part is strictly prohibited!

A typical example of how to do it: the player has put $ 100 into the pot, the next player has a hundred, saying "I put $ 100!", and immediately said "top 200". This is a violation of ethics and rules of Poker. Or put the whole amount or alert partners and dealers "the raise bet (raise).

4. Hold the card over the table

Most honest poker players know that move cards off the table surface is strictly punishable up to "black card" (removal of the institution). Beginners should quickly get used to keep the card on the table. Otherwise, it will be loud and insistent request.

5. Do not try to see other people's maps

If you're not playing poker online and see near the player who unwittingly shows his or her cards, Poker rivals ethics not makes you defiantly look away and pretend that you didn't notice. The tilt head or pulling the neck, to see other people's maps are unethical. If you see a violation of ethics on the part of the other player, then it is appropriate to notify the entire table.

6. Being absent from the table, alerting staff

In a game with blinds (forced bets blind) will be very incorrect quietly removed for an extended period of time, taking away their chips. Under the rules, when the missing at the table the "dark" player to make a bet, a bet without it. When the queue is missing again, his cards are discarded in the PAS. Without this rule, many would prefer to "go away" for a while, you are blind.

7. Let's tip the dealer

This rule is not mandatory, although common in many schools. Winning the average Bank gives the dealer for tea, and it is not because of the risk of being branded a skinflint, and some more substantial reasons:
  • First, it enables you to find the location of personnel. Interesting, but, according to many players, it is mystically improves the outcome of the game.
  • Second, it can improve the reputation among partners on the game, create the image of human need, not confident in scoring and finished generously reward for services and dignified attitude.